Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Seating Arrangements

Seating can be a very stressful aspect of your wedding. Whom should sit by whom? Or, more importantly, whom should NOT sit by whom? This is unfortunately a task that not many people can help the couple with because, most of the time, they are the only ones who know everyone coming and their relationships with one another. Of course a planner or friend could do it but that may mean that your crazy college roommate is stuck beside your calm, anxious great aunt which would actually make for a potentially great story... So on second thought, try it out it may be fun. But, if your goal is to plan a smooth running wedding with you as the actual focus.... then that may not be the best plan. 
There are thousands of potential seating arrangements out there! Different types work for different crowds. Younger people tend to enjoy a more casual setting to socialize during the event while older members tend to enjoy formal dining and place settings. It also depends on the relationship your crowd has with one another. A tight, close-knit family may enjoy bigger tables with everyone at the same table if possible; while a not-so-close group may be more content with separate small tables of people they know best. 
Your venue is also a big determining factor of how you can arrange your tables. Some venues are only suitable for certain arrangements due to size or regulations. Check with your venue and planner to see what settings seem to work best with their space. 
Consider also the way you plan to serve your food. Just about any way you serve it, whether it's buffet style or delivered to the table by a server, there will need to be ample room to navigate around the tables. You don't want anyone spilling food and especially on another guest. 
The possibilities are endless so just consider what is most suitable for your event! 

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